Official Launch!

Official Launch!

Hello every one,

The time have come, everything is ready.

You can keep your old web account, and just recreate in-game characters.

Note that the website is still under maintenance and will improve in the next few days, the system of donations is fully working, but not the system of vote, he should be fixed in the next few days also ! You can still vote, and the VP should come stacked when the system will be fixed, but it's not 100% sure, but any way you support the server doing it !

You can now download the new client and delete the old one please :

We hope you will enjoy the grinding.

Download client

Open beta Cosmos flyff

It’s time to announce the date of beta test openning.

Date: 17.02.2024 14h00 GMT+1

We hope that many of you will take part of it and help us to make the best adjustments possible.

All people who will reach 121H+ and send a screen in the obt-event channel will get a beta reward box for the grand opening.

Welcome to Cosmos Flyff

We are meticulous and so we will start a beta test very soon to adapt all the last things required to make sure that nothing will be left aside !

• The server will be low-mid rates and has planty of QoL and customed features, there will be also pve & pvp evenements with great rewards at the openning !

Stay tuned for more informations and events incoming.